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Everything you need to know about Google’s New Gemini Ultra

Google’s Gemini, a collection of generative AI models, applications, and services, is poised to make waves. However, an informal evaluation shows that it falls short in certain areas. To keep consumers informed about Gemini’s newest advances, a guide has been prepared and will be updated when new models and features are introduced.

Gemini: the next-gen GenAI model

Google Gemini is a next-generation GenAI model family created by DeepMind and Google Research. It comes in three different series: Gemini Ultra, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Nano. All Gemini models are taught to become “natively multimodal,” which means they can work with and use information other than words. They are trained on a variety of sounds, photos, videos, codebases, and text in several languages. This distinguishes Gemini from models like LaMDA, which are trained solely on text data. In contrast to LaMDA, Gemini models can interpret and create non-textual data.

What differs between Gemini applications and Gemini models?

Google, once again demonstrating its lack of branding skills, failed to make it obvious from the start that Gemini is unique from the Gemini applications for the web and mobile (previously Bard). The Gemini apps serve as an interface for accessing specific Gemini models, resembling a client for Google GenAI.

Furthermore, the Gemini applications and models are completely independent of Imagen 2, Google’s text-to-image model that is included in some of the company’s development tools and environments.

What is Gemini capable of doing?

Gemini multimodal models can perform a wide range of activities, such as photo captioning, artwork generation, and so on. However, just a few of these skills have been developed into products. Google promises more in the coming future. However, the firm underperformed with the first Bard launch and recently created a doctored video purporting to demonstrate Gemini’s capabilities, which were more or less aspirational.

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What are the different tiers of Gemini?

1. Gemini Ultra: Google’s Gemini Ultra, a multimodal AI model, may help with activities like physics homework, finding relevant scientific publications, and updating charts. It permits picture creation, however this functionality has not yet been implemented into the productized version. Gemini Ultra is accessible as an API from Vertex AI and AI Studio, and it drives the Gemini applications. To access Gemini Ultra through Gemini Advanced, you must first subscribe to the Google One AI Premium Plan, which costs $20 per month. The AI Premium Plan also links Gemini to your Google Workspace account, allowing you to perform activities such as email summarization and note-taking during video chats. The model is driven by Google’s AI Studio and Vertex AI, and it is accessible via an API from Vertex AI and AI Studio.

2. Gemini Pro: Google’s Gemini Pro outperforms LaMDA in terms of thinking, planning, and comprehension. According to research conducted by Carnegie Mellon and BerriAI, Gemini Pro outperforms OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 in processing longer and more complicated reasoning chains. However, it struggles with math tasks requiring several numbers, and users have reported instances of poor reasoning and errors. Gemini 1.5 Pro, Google’s initial enhancement, is intended to be a drop-in replacement and can handle up to 700,000 words or 30,000 lines of code. The model is multimodal, capable of analyzing up to 11 hours of audio or one hour of video in a variety of languages. Gemini Pro accepts text as input and generates text as output with Vertex AI’s API. Gemini Pro may be fine-tuned by developers to fit specific situations and use cases, or it can be connected to other third-party APIs.

3. Gemini Nano: The Gemini Nano, a smaller form of the Gemini Pro and Ultra models, effectively powers two Pixel 8 Pro features: Summarize in Recorder, and Smart Reply in Gboard. 

The Recorder app lets users record and transcribe audio, resulting in a Gemini-powered summary of captured conversations, interviews, and presentations. The Nano is also featured as a developer preview in Google’s keyboard software Gboard, allowing Smart Reply, a feature that recommends the next thing to say in a messaging app, which is now only available for WhatsApp.

Gemini Ultra vs GPT 4

1. Google’s Gemini model appears to be one of the largest and most advanced AI models, but only the Ultra model confirms this. Gemini differentiates itself from other popular models that enable AI chatbots today because of its natural multimodality, whereas other models, such as GPT-4, require plugins and integrations to be fully multimodal. 

2. Gemini can execute multimodal tasks natively, unlike GPT-4, which is largely text-based. While GPT-4 excels naturally at language-related tasks such as content creation and complicated text analysis, it uses OpenAI’s plugins for image analysis and online access, and DALL-E 3 and Whisper for picture generation and audio processing.

3. Google’s Gemini looks to be more product-oriented than other versions now available. The company may be incorporating or planning to do it into its ecosystem, as it drives both the Bard and Pixel 8 devices. Other models, such as GPT-4 and Meta’s Llama, tend to be more service-based and may be used by a variety of third-party developers to create apps, tools and services.

Gemini Pricing Overview

• It is free to use Gemini applications, AI Studio, and Vertex AI.

• The model costs $0.0025 for each character, but the output costs $0.00005 for every character.

• Vertex clients pay for 1,000 texts or pictures.

• Example: A 500-word article using Gemini Pro costs $5, but a similar piece costs $0.1.

• Ultra price has not yet been revealed.

Where can we get access to Google Gemini?

Gemini Pro and Ultra are accessible in Gemini programs, including Vertex AI, AI Studio, and Duet AI for Developers. They respond to inquiries in several languages and may be used in AI Studio to iterate prompts and build Gemini-based chatbots. Google’s AI-powered support tools now employ Gemini models, and Gemini Nano can be downloaded on the Pixel 8 Pro and will be accessible on further devices in the future.