It’s far too common to conceive of data migrations as simple “lift and shift” operations from one single system to another. Businesses today discover it especially challenging to carry out “N to 1” migrations, which require combining data from multiple sites into a single new place.
Others are coping with 1:N migrations, wherein they move from one system to several systems. Others struggle with the “N:N” difficulty, which involves switching from one set of many systems to another.
This greatly increases complexity. One must aim for a consistent result, even if the data is sometimes presented in varying ways.
Migration from N to 1 is important
Mergers provide a practical example of the need for an N to 1 or N to N migration. Additionally, digital transformation. Businesses will have regional and local systems that they want to combine as they reimagine their digital environments using cloud technology or the newest ERP systems.
The goal of digital transformation is to integrate technologies across the company to make all information accessible. Businesses should demolish silos, acquire their whole landscape, and concentrate on transactional and execution elements to do this. Using the cloud entails assessing technological options, changing the target environment, and implementing a new method of working. This comprises shifting to a new environment, which encompasses both a new working space and a new system.
The difficulties of migrating from N to 1
There is a parallel for businesses trying to migrate their data. When more old systems are included in the conversion, the difficulties of a straightforward 1:1 migration increase. Moving data from point A to point B is already theoretically conceivable. The issue for businesses is identifying where to send the data and if it is being transferred in a fashion that allows you to administer your firm as you see appropriate under the new system.
It is basically a “many to many” migration rather than a “many to one.” There are more stakeholders and potential challenges, which raises the need for change management, agility, and quick simulation, but there is also a bigger potential reward in terms of benefits following the migration.
Getting it done further results in several micro-projects that aren’t always anticipated. It’s really about including more people and different viewpoints, which stresses agility as well.
Gaining the stakeholders’ sight and strategically manipulating their data in these new systems to check if their basic assumptions match reality is one of the first steps.
Expect change, and be ready for iterative cycles. This implies that businesses want a migration solution that can manage repetitions and function quickly in practical situations.
When migrating firm data, drama is the last thing you need. The business wants the data to work well, integrate well, and meet business goals when used appropriately. The complexity of today’s data transfers makes the “lift and shift” approach incapable of handling them. Collaboration between people and technology is required for the transformation to be effective.